28 OctComposite Materials by Taiwan Electric Insulator Co. Ltd.

Established in 1978, Taiwan Electric Insulator Co. Ltd. is a world leading manufacturer of composite material with the technology, knowledge and ability to produce the highest grade composite material to specific customers’ needs and requirements.

Taiwan Electric Insulator Co. Ltd. has a vast range of specific composite materials for your needs, from electroplated glass-fiber, the latest bulletproof aramid fabrics to high spec carbon fiber and carbon modulus. Our vision is to keep developing new and innovative fabrics, keeping pace with the fast changes in composite development and design. Evolution and technical advancements are the keys to this industry, and we look forward to helping you accomplish your individual dream.

Contact us for more composite materials now!


21 JulThe Value of Composite Materials

Like yin and yang, one cannot function well without the other. If you can not make friends with the first one, you cannot make friends with the other. That is how composite materials work. But once these materials joined their unparalleled qualities, it is a brand new sybaritic delight! We always come across these words – composite materials. But have we really thought of what these materials really are, what are their uses, and what’s in store for us when we use them? This article will walk you through about the basics of this product.

By the word itself, these materials are made of two or more different materials combined together. However, they do not form an entirely new discovery. They still manage to maintain their own identities and how they complement each other. One factoid on this matter is that we may not be aware of it, but these essential substances are often, used from generation to generation. These are often reinvented to bring out the best from these ingenious things. A simple example of this is concrete. It is made of cement and gravel. Cement’s quality as a binding product works best when aided by gravel that plays as the back bone, or the reinforcement. In this case, composite material usually has two constituents – a binder and reinforcement. Whereas binder, commonly called the matrix, helps in protecting the back bone, or the reinforcement; the reinforcement, on the other hand, holds together what the binder sets its place. In this regard, both materials efficiently work its synergy to the fullest.

These materials become a part of our every day lives. In fact, we may only be slightly aware of it, but as we use our bath rooms, we see our bath tubs and shower stalls made of fiber glass; or even counter tops and sinks made of marble.

These composites found its way to be popular when new inventions with high performances rely on their qualities as being light weight, yet durable and strong to stand the test of heavy loads. This has been proven true when manufacturing parts and accessories of air planes, space shuttles, and racing cars. Recently, these products are in soaring popularity when even sports products needed them for better performances. Some examples are base ball bats, fishing rods, storage tanks, bicycle frames, and even in hulls used in boats and sculls. Surprisingly, even in the field of medicine and science, composite materials are also widely used as in the case of some instruments used for orthopedic surgery.

A lot of the composites consist of plies or layers, with added reinforcement and binder joining together each ply. In this case, the product will result into being moldable. This is also highly noted by aircraft engineers and designers as they take into proper consideration some factors involving their projects like how the mold can stand in different stresses like water or even chemical erosion, changes in temperature, and external forces.

So long as there is much need and demand for these composite materials, whether in the field of aero dynamics, sports, science, technology, medicine or just the urge of creating something out or something, we can be sure that these products are here to stay for our benefit.

Wes Collins spent years of studying the properties of composite [http://www.ultralightcomposites.com] materials and how they can be used by ordinary people in daily lives to the fullest.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wes_Collins

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5347583
