Archive for the 'Other' Category

04 AugSelf-Lubricating Bearings

Bearings are used as a mechanical component to transfer the power and to move a certain part, and this is done by utilizing the small frictional force of the bearings, which makes them rotate easily. Bearing products can be further divided into various types according to different classification methods. When depending on friction type, they can be classified into two major groups, namely, sliding bearings and rolling bearings.

Sliding bearing can represent both the hydrodynamic lubrication bearings requiring lubricants that automatically form the oil film in the space between shaft A and bearing B by way of rotating the shaft and the hydrostatic lubrication bearings requiring lubricants that elevates the rotating shaft by providing the pressurized lubricant from outside.

Besides, they can also represent both the self-lubricating bearings made of special material that requires no lubricants between shaft A and bearing B and the ones made of porous material to be soaked with lubricants. Now let us talk something about the self-lubricating bearing.

Maintenance-free, self-lubricating, heavy duty friction materials produced for bearings of the automotive industry offers bearing solutions guaranteed to operate reliably and safely over long term. Therefore, the self-lubricating bearings are manufactured to meet special requirements.

Self-lubricating composite sliding material manufactured by using a continuous hot rolling sintering technology which increases the reliability and service lifetime of the sliding plates significantly. It is characterized by high wear resistance, insensitive to impact stress and resistant to harsh operational and ambient conditions of mechanical and chemical environment.

It normally requires no lubrication and allows maintenance free. It is suitable for rotational, oscillating and linear movements. These materials can be machined to complex geometrical shapes without the loss of the self-lubricating properties. In addition, they possess a high static and dynamic load bearing capacity. These bearing materials contribute to enhance performance and optimum characteristics in all industrial segments. The dry wear mechanism enables these bearings to operate satisfactorily in the absence of conventional lubricants.

All in all, self-lubricating sliding bearings which are made of this special material have many unique characteristics. And they can be applied to meet many special requirements.

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29 JulThings You Need to Know About A Globe Valve

Valves are categorised into two types, the stop valves, which gives an on, off or fractional on setting, as well as check valves, which stops the flow of fluid in only a single direction. A globe valve belongs to the top valve family. These valves are like their description. Their valve body is rounded and is made up of two distinct halves, which are isolated by a disc that closes or opens. Unlike the other valves, this is more complex because it is made up of a bonnet, body, stem, plug, seat ring and cage.

The globe valve is composed of a baffle that splits the inside of the pipe, which is typically parallel to the pipe’s length. The baffle has an opening that is vacuum-packed using a flat plug or a disc that is pushed down in the seat or opening parallel to the pipe to break the flow inside the pipe. Outside the pipe, a structure identified as a bonnet holds a stem that is joined to the disc. At the upper part of the bonnet is the hand wheel that is utilized by one’s self to screw down the stem including the disc at its end till the disc seals itself touching the seat opening. When the globe valves are used in big industries, they can be closed through the use of a pneumatic, electrical of hydraulic actuator rather than a manual hand wheel.

These apparatus are at times mentioned as throttle valves due to the fact that these can limit the flow inside the pipe. The space with which the liquid can flow is reduced if the sealing disc is relocated halfway going to the seat opening thus limiting the flow. This valve type provides excellent control to normalize the fluid flow. Water pipes are mostly fitted with these types of valve so that the operator can regulate the water flow inside the pipe by opening the valve partly or completely opening it.

This valve can also be installed to close with or against the liquid flow. When the liquid flows in the similar path that the disc is closing, the flow will assist in closing the seal but makes opening more difficult. On the other hand, if the flow is against the path of closure of the disc, it will be easier in opening the valve and harder when closing it.

Learn More About quality globe valve [] and gate valve [] products from China.

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27 JulWhat is a Pallet Truck?

A pallet truck, also know as a pallet jack or pump jack, is a manually powered fork truck designed to lift and move heavy materials. The front wheels are placed on the inside near the forks at the front. At the back is a hydraulic jack which is used to lift the pallet off the floor.

How do use a pallet truck? 

Being manually powered the person operating the truck pushes the forks into the pallet, and then uses the jack part of the truck to ‘jack’ up the pallet off the floor to a certain height required. Once the pallet has been lifted the operator can then move the truck where ever they wish, the pallet is only listed off the ground so it can be moved, and so a foot or so is usually normally.

Powered pallet trucks

Pallet trucks are also available powered. It is the same principle as a manual pallet truck except instead of the operator having to jack up the pallets the machine lifts it for you via controls. This is easier to use as the machine does most of the work for you and they can lift heavier pallets if required.

Who uses pallet trucks?

Generally speaking pallet trucks are used by people who are suppliers and work in warehouses. This can be in a variety of fields such as food and drink, clothing, computers, machinery and so on. Any industry that requires moving about large and heavy pallets of products will use a pallet truck.

How much do pallet trucks cost?

Many companies will differ slightly in the cost of their pallet trucks, and depending on the type of pallet truck will alter the cost as well. You will be able to pick up a regular pallet truck for around £130. Searching online or visiting different shops you’ll be able to gain more of an idea of the prices available.

Pallet Trucks

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23 JulIron Casting, Ductile Iron Manufacturer

Cheng Feng has been producing Ductile Cast Iron (Ductile Iron) for over thirty years. Ductile iron, iron casting, and ductile cast iron are specifically useful in automotive components, and for architectural and engineering solution. Contact us regarding any inquiries of your ductile irons.

Not only Cheng Feng imports newest production equipments from Japan and America for top of the line products, but also they have participated Meehanite Foundry Association of Japan, to be under the supervision and guidance in foundry technology.

Furthermore, Cheng Feng sends their technicians regularly to Japan for training while they have also hired senior technician periodically from Japan to be as instructor at their plant.

Therefore, it is small wonder, Cheng Feng’s products not only widely accepted in the application of machinery industry domestically, but also welcome in Japanese market.



21 JulThe Value of Composite Materials

Like yin and yang, one cannot function well without the other. If you can not make friends with the first one, you cannot make friends with the other. That is how composite materials work. But once these materials joined their unparalleled qualities, it is a brand new sybaritic delight! We always come across these words – composite materials. But have we really thought of what these materials really are, what are their uses, and what’s in store for us when we use them? This article will walk you through about the basics of this product.

By the word itself, these materials are made of two or more different materials combined together. However, they do not form an entirely new discovery. They still manage to maintain their own identities and how they complement each other. One factoid on this matter is that we may not be aware of it, but these essential substances are often, used from generation to generation. These are often reinvented to bring out the best from these ingenious things. A simple example of this is concrete. It is made of cement and gravel. Cement’s quality as a binding product works best when aided by gravel that plays as the back bone, or the reinforcement. In this case, composite material usually has two constituents – a binder and reinforcement. Whereas binder, commonly called the matrix, helps in protecting the back bone, or the reinforcement; the reinforcement, on the other hand, holds together what the binder sets its place. In this regard, both materials efficiently work its synergy to the fullest.

These materials become a part of our every day lives. In fact, we may only be slightly aware of it, but as we use our bath rooms, we see our bath tubs and shower stalls made of fiber glass; or even counter tops and sinks made of marble.

These composites found its way to be popular when new inventions with high performances rely on their qualities as being light weight, yet durable and strong to stand the test of heavy loads. This has been proven true when manufacturing parts and accessories of air planes, space shuttles, and racing cars. Recently, these products are in soaring popularity when even sports products needed them for better performances. Some examples are base ball bats, fishing rods, storage tanks, bicycle frames, and even in hulls used in boats and sculls. Surprisingly, even in the field of medicine and science, composite materials are also widely used as in the case of some instruments used for orthopedic surgery.

A lot of the composites consist of plies or layers, with added reinforcement and binder joining together each ply. In this case, the product will result into being moldable. This is also highly noted by aircraft engineers and designers as they take into proper consideration some factors involving their projects like how the mold can stand in different stresses like water or even chemical erosion, changes in temperature, and external forces.

So long as there is much need and demand for these composite materials, whether in the field of aero dynamics, sports, science, technology, medicine or just the urge of creating something out or something, we can be sure that these products are here to stay for our benefit.

Wes Collins spent years of studying the properties of composite [] materials and how they can be used by ordinary people in daily lives to the fullest.

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17 JulSpecialized Taiwan Gear Manufacturer – Minchen Gear

Established more than 40 years ago, Minchen Gear Co., Ltd. may be the most experienced, specialized developer and manufacturer of bevel gears in Taiwan. The entire factory are equipped with GLEASON machines, such as Hypoid Cutter Sharpeners, Cutter Inspection Machines, Hypoid Generators, Hypoid Testers, and Hypoid Lappers, which can carry out any cutting methods developed by GLEASON.

Minchen Gear Co., Ltd. provides a diversity of products based on our customers’ demands, including spiral bevel gear, straight bevel gear, helical gear, precise forging gear, custom-made gear and even any odm gear. The Module range we are able to provide our customers is between MP1~MP15; the highest speed ratio is up to 10, the maximum outer diameter is 600 mm, and the gear precision can reach JIS 3(AGMA 11) after heat treatment. For the past 40 years, Minchen’s high-quality and precision gears are generally adopted in agricultural machines, automobiles, ATVs, speed reducers, machine tools, watercrafts…etc., and are exported worldwide to Japan, USA, Italy, Singapore, Thailand.

Minchen retains the concept of superior innovation and devotes to R&D globally. In order to achieve the leadership in technology and quality, Minchen has a R&D Lab, executed by two professionals with Ph.D. degrees in gear manufacturing, and furthermore keeps cooperating with domestic education institutions for advanced research. Minchen has a fully-integrated supply chain, maintained by associating with subcontractors specializing in different fields, and mutually benefits through this kind of long-term and reliable corporation. In recent years, Minchen is also certified by ISO 9001 & TS 16949, we strive to become the best bevel gear design manufacturer in Taiwan, or even worldwide, and quality, to us, is what we care the most.


16 JulEmbroidery Patches – Are They Fashionable Or Practical?

These types of patches became quite popular a few decades back since it can be easily attached to any types of fabric and a highly convenient way identifying a certain organization or company. A quick look at its history, embroidery patches were initially made in large factory machines that have the same size of the ancient looms that was used centuries ago. Embroidery Patches were useful in correcting wholes and tears in uniforms and military wear and now just about anyone, for any purpose uses different Patches. Not only that, embroidery patches can easily be seen everywhere, it is making its strong presence known even in the local gasoline stations and manufacturing plants.

People assume that all Embroidery Patches are the same. However this is not true. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Embroidery Patches are very different from one another. They are available in many different colors, styles and fabrics. Patches can be made to be stain resistant or can be made to attach by ironing. There are many different options the secret is to know what you want in the patches you purchase.

There are so many different options it is hard to list them all. Embroidery Patch can be used as fashion statements and also as a useful form of advertising. It is completely up to you what purpose your patches are going to fulfill.

Nowadays, there is an abundance of designs available in embroidery patches that you can choose from. There are a lot of people who are sporting personalized patches in their jeans and Clothes s as an accent or a way of expressing themselves. So if you are thinking of a great way to embellish your garments or add more character to your otherwise bland piece of clothing, an embroidery patch would be a convenient and cheap accessory that you can use. You can even order a customized one, or provide your own design for a more personal touch.

Embroidery patches can either be a useful method of making your worn out clothes last a tad bit longer or they can be a fashion statement. You be the judge of that. But I ask you, why can’t they be both? A fashion statement and a way to make your clothes last a little longer?

You can also find more info on christening embroidery dress [] is a comprehensive resource which provide information about Embroidery.

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21 MayAutomatic Taps Vs the Manual Tap

I find myself constantly getting asked the same question over and over again: “What exactly are automatic taps?” So here is the answer: they are basically taps that allow the user to operate them without ever having to touch them. whereas traditionally, the user would need to physically touch the tap in order to operate it, automatic taps require the user to simply move his or her hand close to tap. The tap then senses that the users hand is close, and then automatically switches on the flow of water. Once the user has finished and removes their hands from the tap, it senses this and automatically stops the flow of water.

As you can imagine, because the users hand never usually gets to touch an automatic tap makes them so much more hygienic than traditional manual taps. Because there is no physical contact, there can be no transfer of germs or bacteria from the users unwashed hands onto the tap itself. This makes automatic sensor taps a great addition to hygiene conscious environments such as hospitals and public washroom; as the lack of the need to touch them minimises the potential to spread germs and infectious diseases.

As well as being more hygienic, sensor taps are also nicer to look at. There are many contemporary and stylish designs available out there. You are more than likely to find a style and design that matches your taste, as well as the setting that you intend to place it into.

There are many names for them too. These include: Sensor taps, infrared taps, auto taps. Another term used to describe them is thanks to Americans who usually call them “Faucets”. So you get: Automatic faucets, Sensor faucets etc.

So as for the question about whether automatic taps are better or worse than manual taps, I guess it all comes back down to personal preference. There will always be some people out there who are and always will be die hard fans of manual taps. they prefer the certainty that comes with having to physically handle a tap. I guess these people will always prefer manual taps over automatic. They see automatic taps as simply needless gadgets that complicate an otherwise simple task. But then there will be those that absolutely love automatic taps and will wonder where they have been all of their lives. They enjoy contemporary looking objects and tend to be more gadget oriented.

So whilst I don’t think that automatic taps will mean an instant death for the modern tap, I do think that we will begin to see more and more of them. Especially in today’s modern homes.

Barry Bada is an avid user of Automatic Taps and believes that they are the future. To learn more about Sensor taps and the different types out there, visit:

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02 AprProfessional Custom Cable Assembly Supplier – Winfox

Founded 20 years ago, Winfox is a Custom Cable Assembly manufacturer of Taiwan. We provide custom configurations that includes medical cable, automation cable, tinsel conductor cable, coil cords and low noise cable etc..In the past years, we were also more than aggressively to expand our capacity to ensure that we could catch up the fast growing environment to move forward to be world-class custom cable assembly suppliers.
In Winfox custom cable assembly series, you can easily find the suitable cable you need. To get more information about Winfox Custom Cable Assembly series, we would like to introduce you to visit our website and please feel free to contact us!

Custom Cable Assembly

Custom Cable Assembly


Winfox Cable Solution Co.,Ltd.
No. 8 Lane 356, Sec. 1, Minsheng N. Rd., Guishan Township, Taoyuan County 33393, Taiwan, ROC.
TEL: 886-3-222-1137
FAX: 886-3-222-1063
Attn : Angus Hsieh
E-mail :


24 NovRotary Die Cutter Manufacturer: Kingdom Machinery

Founded in 1979, Kingdom machinery Co., Ltd is a profession manufacture and the biggest base to fabricate the rotary die cutter in Taiwan. All of our rotary die cutters are all use 4 Axis and 5-Axis to manufacturing and grinding to insure retain the fine qualities. We can manufacturing any kind of materials, including tungsten carbide. We are constantly searching for ways to improve our products and customer service and welcome new challenges. We hold honesty as our principle to server customers for long-term cooperation within customers. Therefore, we have gained a strong business support and sold our products to the whole world. We are full of confidence that we can be your best partner in supplying rotary die cutter and other product. If you need the further details of our products, please kindly contact us at any time.

 rotary die cutter

rotary die cutter



No.13-1, Lane 62, Zhonghe St., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL: +886-3-5540131

FAX: +886 -3-5540130

Customer service

Oversea Sales Contact Person: Vito Lin

Oversea Sales Contact Mail:

Mobile Phone: +886-916744351
