Archive for the 'Other' Category

09 AprWhat are Electronic Deadbolt Locks?

Having a safe and secure door lock is the first step toward ensuring safety of the residence. For decades, this work was done by the simple key and locks.


However, these locks could be easily damaged and instances of break in increased. Looking for the appropriate solution to this problem, spring bolt lock came into use.


These locks consist of spring loaded bolt with an angled edge. When the door is completely closed, the spring engages and latch bolt holds the door closed. However, with time the use of deadbolt came into existence.


These locks are more convenient to use than the spring bolt locks. A typical deadbolt lock is handled manually and requires turning a cylindrical knob so as to open the door. Such deadbolts can have single cylinder requiring one key or double cylinder requiring two keys.


However, the problem with a simple deadbolt lock is that it requires a key. Most of the times, a person may forget the key. Besides, these simple deadbolts were inefficient to be used in massive buildings which require a large number of locks. Hence, an improvement was made in the deadbolts which now operated electronically without needing any manual effort.


Such deadbolts are called electronic deadbolt locks. In rest of the article, we would be discussing the various aspects of using an electronic deadbolt locks.


Electronic Deadbolt Lock

Electronic locks have become one of the most popular security locks used for doors in both commercial and residential buildings. Unlike simple deadbolt locks, these locks do not require keys for operation.


The actions of these locks are more accurate. Moreover, these locks do not allow easy break in into the building. Thus, the locks are widely used in hospitals, corporate offices, defense centers and private buildings. To open a lock, one need to feed a combination of codes which the related electric circuits analyses.


These code combinations can be fed either using cards or keypad. In most of the commercial and govt. buildings, cards are widely used.


How Does Such Lock Work?

The lock contains an electric circuit. The lock has knob on both sides of the door. The electronic circuit is arranged to read the input code. Once input code is fed, the circuit reads the code and matches it with the stored code. If the two matches, then, electrical operated bolt is activated and consequently the door is unlocked.


A battery is used to supply power for the circuit operation. The lock uses the solenoid or electric motor to activate the bolt mechanism.


Benefits of Deadbolt Locks

The electronic deadbolt locks have a numerous of advantages over the rest of the traditional deadbolt locks. Some of them are enlisted below:


  • Unlike simple deadbolt locks, the electronic deadbolt locks come with the patented digital technologies.
  • These locks are equipped with both key and electronic locking mechanism.
  • Multiples code combination can be stored which can allow several layers of security to the building.


Limitation of Deadbolt Locks

Despite of having brilliant features, there exist some factors which a cautious user must consider. Here, we enlist some of the limitations faced by the electronic deadbolt locks.


  • These locks are operated through solenoid or electric motors, thus, they need a large amount of power for effective functioning. However, the use of batteries has helped to solve this problem up to an extent.
  • If not installed properly, the cylindrical knob can be a hazard instead of providing safety to home.
  • The codes if guessed by someone else (other than the resident) can lead to awkward situation.


Features of A Good Deadbolt

There is a large number of electronic deadbolt locks available in the market. Thus, it is primary important for a buyer to judiciously choose the appropriate product for ensuring the home safety. In this regard, we present below some of the features which a good lock should possess. Hope that the buyers shall find it helpful before they go out for purchasing a new product.


  • The installation of the electronic deadbolt lock should be simple and inexpensive requiring minimum alteration to the premises.
  • The lock should have the capability of storing more than one combination so that different person can have the entry (with prior knowledge of the resident) without knowing the actual combination used by the resident of the house.
  • The lock should be capable of having the number of digits as combination according to the choice of the residents. That means the lock should not restrict the resident from choosing any combination as per his wish.
  • It is advisable to buy a double cylinder electronic deadbolt lock installed with glass windows.
  • A good electronic deadbolt lock should be battery operated.
  • It should use both card and keypad number for feeding the combination code.



The electronic deadbolt locks have rejuvenated the security issues concerning a residential or industrial building. The locks most popularly used in industrial buildings have enabled to gear up the best security measures.


Besides, the locks are being extensively used in buildings having strategic significance. These locks ensure null break in and are most convenient to use. There is no need for key as the locks are electric automated. Moreover, the locks also have the feature of storing more than one security code.


This unique feature adds to the security level of the building. However, one has to carefully choose the appropriate security code so that it is not easily guessed by someone else. With the use of such locks, one can surely enjoy the utmost security and safety level.


If you have any interest in electric deadbolt, welcome to check out Pongee’s website. The company specializes in kinds of access controllers, time attendances, EM locks, etc. Learn more information please feel free to send inquiry to Pongee.


Article Source: ReviewsWorthy


11 DecHow to Select a UHF RFID Reader

Choosing the right RFID can be difficult. How should you choose?


Selecting the right UHF RFID Reader for your application is of the utmost importance. Not only is the RFID reader the brain of the RFID system, but each reader has its own unique features that should be considered before being deploying an RFID system.


To help narrow down the search to selecting the right RFID reader, we put together a list of 3 important factors to consider:


Region of Operation

Each country has its own regulations governing UHF RFID transmissions and, when deploying an RFID system, it essential to select an RFID reader that will operate within the bounds of the given country’s regulations. If a reader is set to transmit within the 902-928 MHz bandwidth in a country that has standardized the 865-868 MHz bandwidth for RFID use, then it will be in violation of the local frequency regulations.


Antenna Ports

The amount of read zones/read points required will vary by application, and the ability to extend read zones and/or add more read points depends on the number of RFID antennas that are deployed. The number of antennas that can be deployed is directly related to the number of antennas that a reader can support; thus, the number of antenna ports available on the reader needs to be considered during the selection process. Readers typically come in 2-port, 4-port, or 8-port options, but some readers have the ability to utilize multiplexers to expand and support up to 32 RFID antennas.


Method of Communication

If the application does not require the reader to be placed on a network, then it can be directly connected to the host computer via an:


  • RS-232 Cable
  • Ethernet Cable
  • USB Cable


(Of note, communicating solely via a USB port is a feature restricted to USB RFID readers).


If the application requires that the RFID reader will reside on a network, either Ethernet or Wi-Fi can be used. Using these two methods of communication will allow the RFID system to communicate via a network and the information collected can be accessed by as many other systems as your system design and software allows. Using an RFID system over a network may also help to reduce overall system costs if you have a multiple reader set-up as you won’t require a host computer for each reader.


If you have any questions regarding selecting the right RFID reader for your application or if you need more information, do not hesitate to visit the website of Pongee: This company is specializing in kinds of access controllers, EM locks, and UHF RFID readers etc. Check out their website to find more details you need.



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21 SepSensor Taps : Advantages and Disadvantages

Now I’m going to tell you Sensor Taps’ main features comparing them with manual and press taps.


While some benefits of sensor taps are undeniable, other elements in the list will be more or less negative in relation to one’s needs and expectations. We have classified the features in three categories: advantages, neutral points and disadvantages.


Advantages of Sensor Taps

Automatic taps contribute to a more sustainable world in two main ways:


  • Water Conservation:

Electronic taps are usually designed with a low flow rate, an aerator in the spout and system or materials that prevent leakage.


  • Energy Saving in The Long Term:

Each sensor tap requires 6, 9 or 12 volts, depending on the brand. This expense is unavoidable, whether hardwired or battery operated. Nonetheless, e-taps can make a difference during activation. Selecting the preferred flow and temperature every time a traditional faucet is activated wastes energy, among other things. In this regard, automatic basin taps with a constant temperature (cold, warm or premixed) are a great choice for commercial washrooms. Likewise, thermostatic faucets would be more energy efficient in showers than mixer lever ones.


Neutral Features of Sensor Taps

Newbies will need a few seconds to realize how to use a touchless tap. A clear sign explaining that it is a motion sensor tap helps to cut down confusion. After such an initiation, visitors will know from then on that automatic faucets are a possibility in washrooms, like we all did with manual and push taps.


All faucet filters need to be checked regularly, including those inside the sensor tap system. Cleaning tap filters is fundamental before using the electronic tap for the first time and after a water cut.


Since smart taps require power, they will run out of battery eventually. Most models in the market will let staff know the need for a replacement with LED warnings. There are different battery options, but they will last for at least 1 year.


Disadvantages of Sensor Taps

Price range is wide and, as always, you usually get what you pay for, but sensor taps probably imply more initial investment than traditional taps, plus a remote control is necessary to change the default settings. Nonetheless, touchless tapware saves costs in the long run, especially for commercial washrooms, and just one remote control can adjust an infinite number of compatible automatic taps.


If there is a water cut, one cannot use the faucets. If there is a power cut, mains operated sensor taps will not work either. Nevertheless, let’s count how many times a year businesses face power cuts or what the chances are that users go into a commercial washroom during a blackout, let alone reaching the basin.


Hands free taps work with an infrared sensor. This widget may have problems with reflective surfaces and extremely bright colors. Installers must read carefully the mounting instructions that the manufacturer provides in order to avoid mirrors or polished chrome finishes opposite the tap sensor, as well as another built-in sensor right in front of it. Despite following the guidelines, beware that sensor taps can make activation mistakes from time to time.


Due to the simpler design of smart taps, they work with fewer replaceable parts when comparing with traditional faucets. Should faults occur, replacing the whole unit seems more likely. Now though, sensor taps normally have an extensive guarantee period.


Choosing the Right Sensor Tap

Electronic taps have quite a lot of objective pros: environmental friendly, cost saver in the long term, with constant flow and accessible to all users. However, one must think as well about their so-called cons and the particular variables such as the traffic of the washroom (is the initial investment worth it?) or location (for example, are there plugs in the premises?).


If you need more information about sensor taps faucet, welcome to check out Kingsway’s website. They are the professional touchless faucet and electronic & automatic faucet manufacturer in the industry. Feel free to send inquiry or contact with Kingsway for more details you need.


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30 JunWhat is a Power Adaptor?

Power adaptors are devices that make it possible to connect different power sources to a variety of devices. In some cases, a power adaptor can make it possible to use an electrical device like a laptop computer in a foreign country, with no adverse effects to the device itself. Depending on the purpose and function, power adaptors can be relatively inexpensive or quite costly.


One of the most common types of power adaptor is the laptop adapter. Models designed for use by international travelers make it possible for a businessperson from the United States to use his or her laptop computer while on a trip to Europe or the United Kingdom. Some solutions are actually adapter sets that not only provide a selection of prongs for use with different types of outlets, but also transformers that help to convert alternating current to direct current. These kits can help trim travel expenses considerably, since there is no need to pay for expensive conversions during the stay, or to rent equipment for the duration of the trip.


There are other examples of the external power adaptor that are used with different types of electrical equipment. Cell phones and handheld devices often come with a simple power adaptor that make it possible to draw energy from a car battery by plugging one end of the adapter into the vehicle’s cigarette lighter. There are also adapter models that can be connected to small appliances and allow them to make use of electrical current stored in external batteries. Some designs are configured to allow the standard power cord to plug into the adapter on one end, and attach the opposite end of the adapter to an alternative power source, making the adapter an ideal solution during a power outage.


Depending on the particular scope of function, a power adaptor may be somewhat expensive. Devices designed to work with a wide variety of electrical equipment, especially those designed to help convert current, are usually the most expensive. Simpler devices, such as those that make it possible to use and charge a cell phone while in a moving vehicle, are usually available at very little cost. With all types of the adapter, it is important to make sure the products are thoroughly tested and meet minimum safety standards. This is especially important when the adapter is intended for use with expensive equipment, like a laptop, or will be used during a trip abroad.


As a leading and trustworthy power adaptor manufacturer and supplier, Hon-Kwang provides series AC/AC Power Adaptors and AC/DC Adaptors with different output rating, I/P voltage. For more details of Hon-Kwang power adaptors, welcome to check out our website to find power adaptors you need.



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07 NovWhat is Power Factor Regulator?

Power factor correction is a process that has to do with managing the essential traits of electric loads that are used to create a power factor of less than one. The main purpose of using power factor regulator is to ensure that the level of power transmission taking place is within safety limits set for the application involved. Power suppliers make use of power factor correction to ensure that home and public building systems are not overloaded, and that manufacturing facilities have an adequate flow of power to operate heavy machinery.


There are two basic ways of engaging in power factor correction. One approach relates to the management of power utilized at the end user level. With this application, a homeowner may utilize various devices to minimize or eliminate unnecessary power usage in the home. This may include the installation of such devices as energy saving appliances, or sensors that automatically turn lights off when no one is in the room.


A second approach to power factor correction involves the work of the power supplier to ensure the transmission network is functioning at optimum efficiency. This will mean ensuring that the level of power generated and distributed is within the safety limits for the network, and is not likely to overload one or more sections of the power grid. This approach often includes fail safe mechanisms that help to compensate when problems arise in one section of the grid, by containing the problem and not allowing it to spread to other sections.


There are both active and passive means of managing power factor regulators. The use of capacitor banks occurs with passive PFC and helps to correct nonlinear electrical loads and stabilize the flow of current. Active PFC usually employs a system that controls the amount of power utilized by a load, keeping the balance as close to unity as possible.


The advantages of power factor regulator apply to both the end user and to the supplier. For suppliers, adjusting the nature of the power flow to keep it within acceptable limits means less time, expense, and lost revenue resulting from system failures. End users who choose to engage in power factor regulator enjoy the benefit reduced power bills, as well as preventing extra wear and tear on electrical devices around the home or office.


YUHCHANG is a professional and experienced manufacturer of automatic power factor regulators. High quality electrical capacitor and capacitor bank series are also provided. If you need more information about Yuhchang capacitor supplier, welcome to visit our website and feel free to contact us!


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12 AugStainless Steel Self Drilling Screws – Hard Enough?

What are stainless steel self drilling (Tek) screws?


The ‘Self Drilling Screw for Metal’ or ‘Stainless Steel Tek Screw’ is a screw designed to self-drill into metal. There are several material types available and they each have their strengths and weaknesses.


Why does the grade matter?


Getting the material right for your application is critical. Some Stainless grades have excellent corrosion resistance (304 and 316) but are relatively soft and will not self-drill through much more than thin aluminum. Other grades like 410 are heat treated and have excellent hardness – but anywhere near salt-water (or any sort of coastal atmosphere) and you will see some tea-staining pretty quick!


Some Stainless grades such as Hardtec and Marutex offer the benefits of both (hardness and excellent corrosion resistance) – but are only available in Hex Washer Face Head style. Getting the right material grade and screw type for your application is critical.


So, what stainless steel self drilling (Tek) screws are available?


The Stainless Steel Self Drilling Screws are generally available in 4 main material types within the Stainless range, they are:


Bi-Metal Self Drilling Screws – these are not completely Stainless, the Bi-Metal screw generally has a 304 Stainless Steel body with a Carbon Steel tip. Because of the Carbon Steel tip they are very hard and good for drilling but they are not 100% Stainless Steel. They usually have a 500hrs Salt Spray Protective Ruspert Coating on them to increase corrosion resistance somewhat.


410 Stainless Self Drilling Screws – These are completely Stainless. 410 is a Martensitic Stainless and so can be hardened by heat treatment (which Austenitic types 304 and 316 cannot be). For this reason it has excellent drilling properties – however 410 has lower corrosion resistance than grade 304 and should not be used in highly or even moderately corrosive environments or tea-staining will result.


304 and also 316 Stainless Self Drilling Screws – Because the 300 series of Stainless Steels are of an Austenitic crystal structure – hardening by heat treatment like the 410 grade is not possible. These 300 series screws provide excellent corrosion resistance but are really only good for self-drilling through thin aluminum due to the softness of the grade. Also known as A2 (304) and A4 (316) in Europe.


Hardtec/Martuex Stainless – Both ‘Hardtec’ and ‘Marutex’ are propriety grades of Stainless Steel, made specifically for Stainless Self Drilling Screws. They are hardened by heat treatment and so have excellent drilling performance into metals like grade 410 BUT unlike grade 410, these grades have Molybdenum added to them and have corrosion resistant properties in line with the 300 series Stainless grades. Salt Spray tests show corrosion resistance equal or better to that of 304 grade and not far behind 316 Stainless Steel. They are an excellent screw!


Carbon Steel Tek Screws (Self Drilling Screws) are also available in Class 3 and Class 4 (with a galvanized surface) in Australia and New Zealand. These are commonly used in steel roofing. Aluminum versions are sometimes used for Aluminum cladding (to prevent Galvanic Corrosion from dissimilar metals). However Stainless Self-drilling screws provide the greatest corrosion resistance, particularly when the superior Hardtec grade is used.


Fu Yeh is a superior manufacturer for Self Drilling Screws such as hex washer head, hex flange washer heads, modify truss head, large wafer head, and Lotus head with stainless steel head cap and bugle head self drilling screws etc.. Fu Yeh holds honesty as our principle to server customers for long-term cooperation within customers, suppliers and crafts. We also hope that we could build up close partnership for mutual profit. If you need more details about self drilling screw or other screw series, welcome to visit our website and feel free to contact Fu Yeh!


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05 AugOverview of Aramid Fibers and Fabrics

Short for aromatic polyamide fibers, aramid fibers are composed of high-strength, heat-resistant synthetic polymer fibers. Chemically, they are a combination of long chainlike molecules linked by strong hydrogen bonds.


The first aromatic polyamides were produced in the early 1960s, with the first commercial product being a meta-aramid fiber from DuPont called Nomex®. Thanks to its strength and heat resistance combined with tactile characteristics that were close to normal textiles, Nomex® was quickly adopted for a number of uses including protective apparel, insulation, and more.




Today, tens of thousands of tons of meta-aramid and para-aramid fibers are manufactured each year by multiple manufacturers under several brand names.


By chemistry, there are numerous types of aramid fibers. The Federal Trade Commission defines an aramid fiber as any manufactured fiber with a long-chain synthetic polyamide that has a minimum of 85% of its amide linkages attached directly to two aromatic rings. Classifying aramid fibers by commercially branded products, their types include or have included:


  • Kevlar®
  • Nomex®
  • Technora®
  • Twaron®
  • Conex®
  • Arawin®
  • New Star®
  • Kermel®


High-performance aramid fibers can transfer mechanical stress with high efficiency while maintaining a low molecular weight. The hydrogen bonds are aligned, for the most part, along the fiber axis, which gives them remarkable strength and flexibility.


Aramid Fabrics and Fibers Features


Aramid fibers are renowned for their high tensile strength. Aside from their resistance to abrasion and piercing, they also have high resistance to organic solvents and fire. They have no melting point, only begin to degrade at extremely high temperatures, and also have low flammability. Nomex® starts to decompose at around 350° C while Kevlar© and other para-aramids do not degrade until above 500° C. The fibers also operate well freezing temperatures and are nonconductive.


Aramid fibers have strength per unit of weight several times that of steel, aluminum and E-glass, and are lighter than fiberglass. The fibers are not totally indestructible, however, as they are sensitive to UV rays, acids, and salts.




Their unique properties of high strength, low weight, and flame and solvent resistance have made them useful in an array of applications.


  • Ballistic armor, in the form of vests and helmets
  • Flame-resistant and heat PPE for firefighters, pilots, race car drivers, and others
  • Asbestos replacement
  • Mechanical reinforcement in rubber goods, such as tires
  • Support ropes and cables
  • Optical fiber cables
  • Sporting goods (e.g. tennis strings, skis, snowboards, golf club shafts, hockey sticks)
  • Musical equipment (e.g. drumheads, wood instrument reeds, loudspeaker diaphragms)
  • Marine applications, such as boat hulls and sail cloth
  • Helicopter rotors
  • Solid rocket motors
  • Compressed natural gas tanks
  • Pipelines
  • Aircraft panels
  • Lightweight bicycles
  • Filter bags and other filtration devices
  • Automobile parts
  • Materials


Aramid fibers are long chain-like molecules composed of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. For manufacturing, aramids are formed into a polymer by the reaction between an amine group and a carboxylic acid halide group. These stiff polymer molecules have a strong crystal orientation and close interaction between polymer chains due to their strong hydrogen bonds.


Aramids are made into fiber form by spinning the dissolved polymer into a solid fiber form. During the production process they can be manufactured into a fiber, chopped fiber, powder, or pulp form. The manufacturing methods include hand lay-up, vacuum bagging, vacuum infusion, resin transfer molding (RTM), RTM light, press molding, filament winding, and pultrusion.




Kevlar® has outstanding strength-to-weight properties and an extremely high tolerance to heat that has made it one of the most popular aramid fibers for bulletproof vests. Nomex®, while not as strong as Kevlar® and para-aramid variants, has excellent thermal, chemical, and radiation resistance that makes it a popular fiber for protective firefighter apparel and hazardous material suits.




  • A-A-50195—Aramid thread
  • FORD ESB-M9H112-A—Protective, nonwoven, aramid fabric
  • ISO TS 17920—Fibre ropes for offshore stationkeeping – Aramid


Taiwan Electric Insulator was established in 1978 as a manufacturer of aramid fabrics, including aramid fiber fabric, ballistic aramid fabric and colored aramid fabric. The aramid fabric features flame resistance, outstanding shock absorption, and superb engineering benefits to all manners of manufacturing and design in the composite industry. To go with the ever-changing requirements, Taiwan Electric Insulator is dedicated to development and innovation of aramid fabric to meet the highest level of customers’ satisfactions. Find more details about aramid fabric, please contact us now!


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29 JulGarment Accessories – The Soul of All Garments

Garment accessories like Buckles, Buttons, Hooks, Loops, Zippers, etc. play an important role in making the garment stay at its place when worn. Other garment accessories like Beads, Buckles, Ribbons, Sequins, Belts, Lace, Tassels & Cords, etc. accentuate the beauty of the garment lending it an exquisite appeal.


A readymade garment cannot solely be judged merely by the quality of the fabric used. The accessories employed also play a key role in determining the quality of a garment. Thus, good brands always pay great deal of attention in sourcing the most premium grade garment accessories for their range of clothes.


Buttons are one of the most common accessories used in almost all types of clothes. They are available in a number of shapes, sizes, and designs. They may be fabricated in wood, plastic, metal, etc. and sometimes may even be embellished with precious and semi-precious stones. Primarily, buttons serve a utility purpose, like in jeans, shirts, blouses, skirts, etc. But at times, designer buttons are merely attached to a piece of clothing just to enhance its visual appeal.


Many a garments need zippers and zipper sliders, including jeans, skirts, jackets, etc. They should be strong and durable, to withstand the day to day wear and tear. They often come in a number of sizes and colors, and can also be customized as per the needs and requirements of the users.


As can be seen from above, garment accessories have an important role to play in the quality of a readymade garment.


Specializing in garment accessories with years of experiences, Dyi Er Kang provides full series of metal garment accessories, such as metal eyelets, metal grommets, metal cord locks and metal snap buttons. And if you are looking for plastic garment accessories, we also provided. We are a reliable manufacturer and partner to you! Please feel free to contact us.



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18 JulHow to Choose the Correct Stainless Steel Sheet

Once you have decided that your DIY project is going to require some stainless steel sheet, you basically have three decisions before you, in order to select what you need.


The two most foremost factors in choosing to use stainless steel sheet are its resistance to corrosion and staining. Technically this is not the case. It most certainly can corrode and stain. However, under most commercial and residential applications its strong resistance to corrosion and staining will normally suffice.


The other misconception is to do with what most people call a “sheet”. In the metals industry the rule of thumb is that anything over 3mm thick is no longer called a sheet but is referred to as plate. So if your application calls for anything over 3mm thick, then you are actually looking for stainless steel “plate”, not stainless steel “sheet”.


Step One – Grades


The two most commonly used grades are 304 and 316. Now, 316 stainless steel sheets are to be preferred above 304 stainless steel sheets if your application is in a corrosive environment like salt water for instance. Although, both 304 and 316 suffer pitting and crevice corrosion the 316 grade is notably less.


Grade 316 is also considered “food grade”, and is used where food products are being handled. If you were looking to use a piece of stainless steel sheet as a splash back however, you could save some money and use grade 304 because it would not be coming into actual contact with the food preparation.


Step Two – Thickness


The thickness of a sheet is most commonly between 0.4mm and 2.5mm. Anything thinner than 0.4 would usually be referred to as foil and more than 3mm thick would mean it’s a plate.


Stock standard dimensions of a 0.4mm up to 0.9mm thick sheet would be either 2000mm X 1000mm or 2500mm x 1250mm. Between 0.4mm and 2.5mm you would also usually be able to find a 3000mm X 1500mm available. Having selected the right thickness and grade for your project, you can now have your stainless steel sheet custom cut. Using a guillotine, laser cutter, or waterjet cutting machine you are able to cut some very complex shapes with precision accuracy.


Step Three – Finish


Depending on your application you can decide on what finish you would like the sheet to have. The manufacturing process of these sheets involves them, first being rolled to correct size and thickness, then annealed and pickled and lastly passivated by passing the sheet one last time between some highly polished rollers. This prepares it to accept one of many available finishes and surface patterns.


The most popular finish is the brushed finish. This finish consists of many fine lines or scratches, all running in the same direction. The Satin finish is produced by softly brush-scratching the sheet until a dull sheen is produced. Lastly, the mirror finish which as the name implies creates a highly polished and reflective effect.


In order to protect the surface of your stainless steel sheet, a plastic coating is applied to either one or both sides of the sheet as it passes through the plastic coating machine rollers.


Whether you need a full size stainless steel sheet or a custom-cut for your business or home, you are now better prepared to know what you’re looking for and hence make an informed decision when ordering.


STANCH, established in 1980, is one of the market leaders in refined stainless steel industry. We have devoted ourselves to providing high quality products and a wide range of stainless steel finishes. With experienced and advanced technology, STANCH is able to give full flexibility in customizing your needs. If you need more details about stainless steel sheets, welcome to contact Taiwan professional stainless steel company-STANCH.



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12 JulWhat Are Pressure Gauges Used For?

A pressure gauge is a device that measures the pressure of a container or vessel of compressed gas or liquid. Widely used all over the world, pressure gauges fulfill tasks ranging from checking the pressure on car tires to measuring different regulatory systems inside a power plant. Pressure gauges come in any different number of styles, and are designed for a variety of purposes. Like other measuring devices, pressure gauges should be periodically calibrated to confirm they are working properly, especially when they are used for safety purposes.


These gauges can work two different ways. They can measure pressure by comparing air in a vessel, such as a tire, to a complete vacuum. Or they can measure pressure relative to the ambient, or outside, air pressure. In either case the device is usually mechanical, with a moving part inside the gauge that moves in response to pressure changes that push against the moving part to provide measured reading. Some gauges provide digital readouts while others use traditional dials directly linked to the gauge.


The Bourdon tube is one of the most common types of pressure gauge, and is used to measure high pressures. A Bourdon pressure gauge is basically a tube coiled into a spiral shape or helix, or less often formed into a “C” shape, so that the tube will straighten out when the pressure increases.


A Diaphragm is another gauge used to measure more subtle pressure changes. It uses a deflection of a flexible membrane to separate regions under different pressure. This amount of deflection is repeatable for certain, known pressures so calibration can be used to determine the desired pressure. The deformation of a diaphragm depends on the variation in pressure between its two faces. The reference face can be opened to the atmosphere to measure pressure, or alternatively can be sealed against a vacuum to measure absolute pressure. The deformation can be measured using optical, mechanical, or capacitive techniques.


These pressurized systems are found in a large number of places. For example, in just a car the fuel, lubricant, and brake fluids are all pressurized, as well as the air in the tires. Industrial factories use pressurized systems to coordinate any number of control systems that can be almost any shape and size. It is important that workers are able to monitor the pressure in these systems, as they can identify potential safety concerns such as pressure that is dangerously high or dangerously low. Either one can lead to massive system-wide failures and endanger the lives of the people working there.


Certain pressure gauges are linkable to remote indicator panels which are capable of alerting people when a problem develops with the gauge. Modern day vehicles, for example, have pressure gauges placed inside the tires which can alert the driver when there is a problem with tire pressure. This eliminates the need to check the tire pressure by hand. Other gauges are designed to automatically shut a system off if pressure does not fall within an acceptable range. Today pressure gauges are constantly being advanced to increase reliability, efficiency, and safety.


The early years of SKON was focused on general pressure gauges and vacuum pressure gauges. We gradually improved our technology for production and decided to set a new objective for the company to move into the new generation models of SKON pressure gauges with high precisions & calibration. If you need more details about pressure gauges, welcome to visit SKON’s website and feel free to contact us!



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