Archive for the 'Electronics' Category

21 JunSwitching Power Supply Efficiency

If you need to use a power supply in your home, you will need to know more about switching power supply efficiency. The switching is not hard, but it does depend on the model of the unit you have. You will also not just go out to buy any type of power supply; there are a few things that you will want to take into consideration. This is why you need to do your research on switching power supply efficiency.


You will find that there are quite a few different brands of power supplies out there. You will also find that there are a few different types of units that do different things. Most people do not know this, but a generator can also be known as a power supply, because it is a device that supplies power to other devices that needs it.


A power supply is not just a device that provides power at a lower output than your normal home output. Yes, we all know that, traditionally, this unit is plugged into a normal wall socket, take in the power and outputs that power at a lower amperage or voltage. However, if you were to look at it you would find that it is still providing power, which means that anything that provides power can be called a power supply, especially if that device is providing that power when you do not have any other source of power, and when you need to be switching power supply efficiency.


If you are looking for this unit you need to know that it is best if you started your search online. The internet holds a ton of sites that offers information that will lead you in the right direction. You need to know what you need to get out of your unit.


This means that, if you are trying to power up your home, you will need to know the exact amount of power you will need your unit to output. This means that you will need to find out the usage for each of the devices you need to power up. If you are going to power up your TV, refrigerator, deep freezer, computer, stove, if you have an electric stove, and a few of the lights in your home, you need to know that you will need an output of X from your supply unit or generator in order to keep your home running for a certain amount of time.


You will also need to know that a computer will need one of these units of it own. This is because you will need a constant flow of power to a device this sensitive. There are a number of computer UPS’s out there.


Switching power supply efficiency will let you change the output of the power you get out of your device, so make sure that you get one that offers this tool, because it will always come in handy if you are powering up different things all the time.


Founded in 1981, Hon-Kwang is now becoming one of the best Switching Power Supply / Power Adaptors manufacturers in Taiwan. With our up-to-date technology and strict quality control, we are capable of providing our customers with a comprehensive selection of power supply devices. Here we offer power adapters, switching mode power supply, power transformers, metal parts & power cords, LED power supplies and other products.



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07 AprFTaiwan Professional Film Capacitor Manufacturer

Zonkas Electronic was founded as one of Taiwan professional film capacitor manufacturers. The features of film capacitor are non-inductive construction, self-healing, and high reliable and superior performance in high frequency applications. It is applied to filter and noise suppression circuit, pulse logic and timing circuit, DC blocking, by-passing and signal coupling in general communication equipment. The construction of film capacitor includes polyeser film dielectric with vacuum-evaporated metal electrodes, radial leads of tinned wire are electrically welded to the contact metal layer on the ends of capacitor winding, epoxy resin coating. Are you interested in learning more details about film capacitors Please contact professional film capacitor manufacturer now!


02 MarMoving from LCD Monitors to Video Wall Solutions

Founded in 1984, our company started out as an import and export company with cathode ray tube and chassis as our main products in the Americas. In 2000, we expanded into the world of LCD TFT and LED Backlight LCD monitors.

Now with more than 10 years of experience in customizing LCDs monitors and troubleshooting electronic devices related issues, we are confident that we can provide you the best video wall solution.

Please feel free to stop by and learn more about our company and our video wall solutions.


17 NovUPS

The loss of electricity supply is technically called as power outage. It is specifically referred to as “brownout” when some power is lost but retained some voltage level, albeit not enough for the minimum level required by a certain system. On the other hand, it is called “blackout” when the power is completely lost.

When power failures occur, your appliances or any other electronic devices are the things that suffer most from the damaging. Your computer unit is featured with a power supply, a device that is used in generating electricity to keep it operational. The switcher technology of this device will convert the alternating current line into direct current input. This enables the computer to start functioning. However, once a power outage occurs it will stop producing power. As a result, the computer will end its operation. As mentioned, this occurrence is detrimental to your computer. If this incident continues to occur, it will suffer serious damage and require extensive repairs that could run into a lot of money.

Fortunately though, there is a device that counters the situation in the form of Uninterruptible Power Supply or UPS. A UPS is a device used to protect computers and electronic equipment from the damaging effects of power outage incidents. It is a battery-driven power supply that is active even whenever sudden loss of power has occurred. There are certain types of uninterruptible power supplies with variety of capacities. There is a small unit type that can service a single computer in a home or office. There is also the kind that can provide protection to a business environment that runs with a big computer network.

Uninterruptible power supplies are necessary tools both in large business establishments with a wide network of computers and in a home/office with individual computers.

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16 NovHow Magnificent Sound Effects Created by Power Amplifiers

An amplifier is used in devices wherever sound is produced such as radio, TV and music systems. The significance of an amplifier is that it helps in the proper functioning of all audio devices. An amplifier is a device that enhances the sound quality and provides better music experience.

These are the ones which can convert low power frequency signals to higher frequency signals. Their categorization is based upon the amount of power delivered to the load. Classification of an amplifier is done based on linearity, signal gain, efficiency and output power.

They find their use mostly in transmission chains and, hence require attention for power efficiency. According to the latest survey, pa amplifiers are often used in audio and radio frequency applications in various industries which include medical and military industry. There are ranges or classes of pa amplifiers.

There are many different types of pa amplifiers which can be purchased in the market –

  • Tube amplifiers – Also called as vacuum tube amplifiers as they make use of the vacuum tubes to increase the signal amplitude and power.
  • Solid state – These are the ones used mostly in transistors. These came into existence in the late 60s and early 70s. These can easily control all the bass frequencies than tube amplifiers.
  • Circuit types – It depends on the circuit types; they are classified into Class A, Class B, Class AB, and Class D.
  • Audio-power amplifiers – These are also known as the small signal pa amplifiers as they raise power level of signals with audio-frequency range up to 20 Hz- 20 kHz.
  • Radio-power amplifiers – These are also called large signal pa amplifiers which also raise the power level of signals. It easily amplifies specific frequency or narrow band of frequencies.

This is often used to produce loud sound and also make it very clear to show the difference in acoustics between a noise signal and soothing sound.

As power is an important factor in such a pa amplifier the amount of power needed can be categorized based on the rule of thumb:

  • Medium Bands: 3 to 4W per audience member.
  • Large Bands: 5 to 6W per audience member.

While stepping up into the market the main thing that comes to our mind is the budget as more the power, the greater the cost of it. If budget is a constraint and if less powered amplifier is purchased, it must be kept in mind that there is not any clipping. The other factor is the product specifications i.e. power that flows into the loudspeakers is less than the required it should be make sure that it should not damage the loudspeaker or the system, and create an unpleasant hearing due to the distortion.

These find a major role in bringing in the best possible sound effects and hence are in demand.


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06 NovInfo on Aerial Mapping

Life is literally soaring high with the birth of aerial mapping. Aerial mapping is a system used for collecting information through the use of remote sensing devices or aerial photography, the procedure is done with the help of balloons, kites, planes, and satellites.

Just recently, technology has brought us something even better with the coming of orthophotography. This is a kind of aerial photography specially made to suit the curvature of the planet. In layman’s terms, it’s putting a round subject to a flat surface.

While some do aerial mapping out of sheer curiosity and fun, the maps and surveys are very handy in real estate and wildlife tracking. These maps are employed in wide ranges of driving direction applications and online mapping like Google Earth, MapQuest, Google Maps, and a lot more. There’s Geographic Information Systems that utilized sophisticated maps captured from air imagery through satellites. GIS offers data on terrains and land features from across the globe. The images are given in both coloured and black and white to highlight certain features depending on the application. Nowadays, there are thousands of GIS aerial maps utilized for people’s consumptions.

The importance of aerial mapping is something that cannot be overlooked by land surveyors. Because of the sophisticated tools presented to us these days, many land surveying applications also find the need to require a more detailed image of lands and areas. But while most aerial mapping is used through satellite imagery, land surveyors would normally use helicopter and airplane to get their jobs done.

The reason why aerial mapping is a better choice when taking aerial photos is its high-quality output and the safety it provides to the person taking the shot. After all, the person is not required to step into the actual terrain to capture images. Aerial mapping is very advantageous among situations needing the assessments of dangerous terrains especially among steep slopes, mountain sides, and more.

What is interesting is that there is no institute that guide aerial mapping as a subject. The good news however is there are many means of learning that anyone who would like to pursue this area can make use of. Depending on the field you wish to pay attention to, the job of aerial mapping can be categorized into three parts: the pilot who takes a helicopter up in the air, a photographer who likes to take aerial pictures that will be used for maps, or a cartographer who wish to decode some aerial photos into maps.

There are certain necessities that should be considered if you like to look into your chance of landing a career in the field of aerial mappings. With technology having a great role in this field, one consideration is that you should have a background or a degree in computer science. Most degree programs can run up to 2 or 3 years. You will find loads of colleges and universities that provide cartography education and it is also given as an add-on subject on courses like architectural engineering and civil engineering. It pays to gear yourself with the right learning first so you can become successful in this field of work.

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27 OctHow Do I Choose Thermocouple?

Thermocouples are constantly secretly working all around you. But what are thermocouples and how do they work? In simple terms, a thermocouple is a sensor which measures temperature. It produces a unique voltage at a given temperature which can then be measured and interpreted by a thermocouple thermometer. They are used for a range of measurement and control tasks, widely used in science and the manufacturing industry.

Thermocouple thermometers are used for temperature measurement in kilns, diesel engines, ovens and industrial processes. Thermocouple works because of the thermoelectric effect, which is when a conductor generates a voltage when subjected to a thermal gradient. A thermocouple can be calibrated in a number of different ways, but there are four which are more common than others. These most common calibrations are referred to as calibration J, K, T and E. Each one has a different temperature range and environment that it is useful for.

The maximum temperature which a thermocouple will measure can be increased by making the wire thicker. When selecting a thermocouple, as with most products, it is best to follow a set of guidelines to ensure you purchase one to suit your needs. The first thing that you will want to do when selecting a thermocouple to use is to check the temperate range that it covers. The chemical resistance and sheath material, as well as the abrasion and vibration resistance, are factors which should be considered.

You may also want to make sure that you are aware of what installation requirements the thermocouple has, as it may be required to be compatible with existing equipment for example. The type of thermocouple is also a key. The three main sub-categories are Grounded, Ungrounded and Exposed thermocouples. A Grounded thermocouple has the wires physically attached to the inside of the probe wall which can help with the direct reading of temperatures. An Ungrounded thermocouple is isolated from the probe wall, which offers the benefit of electrical isolation.

An Exposed thermocouple protrudes out of the tip or the sheath and is therefore exposed to all of the surrounding environment. Depending on how and where you are trying to measure temperature will depend on what thermocouple is best for your needs as well as what metal combination and calibration that you will wish to use. Various different thermocouples will offer better or more accurate readings but only in certain conditions. Therefore it may be required to sacrifice response time or speed of reading due to the requirements of the environment in which you are measuring in.

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20 AugDifferent Types Of Battery Chargers To Consider

Here we will cover the following types of battery chargers which are USB-based chargers, solar powered battery chargers and motion-powered chargers. Previously covered chargers include simple, trickle, timer-based and intelligent chargers in addition to universal fast, pulse and inductive chargers. As with the previous battery chargers these last three have applications used with battery chargers for electric vehicles, mobile phone chargers, charger for vehicles or use in experiments.

Let’s start with the USB-based chargers. These chargers are used to charge cell phones and electronic devices. They all connect to the device via a USB port or connection. These chargers are not really battery chargers they are power adapters. These adapters are used to provide a power source for a charging circuitry contained within a mobile phone or electronic device.

USB-based chargers are notoriously diverse. They have a wide variety of DC connector styles and voltages; manufacturers do this intentionally so they are not universally compatible with each other. This is also true with different models from one manufacturer, each models has its own unique USB connector. The specifications for USB- based chargers provide a five-volt power supply, making it possible for a USB cable to be used as a power source for recharging batteries. USB charging kiosks can be found in more and more places, making it possible for people to keep their cell phones, ipads and electronic devices fully charged no matter where they are.

The next charger to be covered is the solar powered battery charger. These solar chargers take the suns light energy and convert it into DC current. Solar chargers are both portable and fixed mount. The fixed mounts are also known as solar panels. Solar panels are connected to an electrical grid, and portable solar chargers are off the grid.

Even though solar chargers obtain their energy from the sun they can also be used on cloudy or low light days. While there are some solar chargers that can completely recharge batteries they are generally used for trickle charging a device. While the choices here are limited there are a few portable solar chargers that will not let you down when it comes to recharging your small personal devices. One worth mention is the Kinesis K3, it is equipped to harvest energy via solar and wind.

Lastly, we have motion-powered chargers. While these products have not had much commercial success, they do fill a void. That void is being able to charge a battery when you do not have any electricity or other sources of power to charge batteries with. The power filling that void is motion.

The devices consist of a magnet that is held between two springs, as the device is moved up and down batteries be charged. Another type of motion charger is the hand-cranked power charger. These motion-powered chargers are used as emergency cell phone chargers, emergency radios and emergency flashlights. A great many people have these types of devices on hand in case of emergencies such as natural disasters, accidents or terrorist acts.

In total there are eleven different types of chargers all of which are devices that are used to put energy into a rechargeable battery or secondary cell by forcing electric currants through them. We live in a world that is powered by batteries that need to be regularly charged and maintained. Knowing as much as you can about the different types of chargers there are can only benefit you.

When it comes to battery chargers there are several types; simple, trickle, timer-based and intelligent or smart battery chargers, universal, fast, pulse, cell phone [] and inductive battery chargers and the four described above in this article.

Check all the different types of battery chargers and compare them to determine the best one for your needs. At All Battery Chargers [] you can find, compare and buy a battery charger for all your battery charging needs.

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03 AugSolar Charge Controllers

Solar charge controllers are required by most solar power systems that involve the use of batteries. They work to regulate the power as it moves from the solar panels to the batteries. A proper charge controller will keep the batteries from being overcharged.

The simplest kind of charge controller functions to monitor the battery voltage and opens the circuit to stop the charging process when voltage reaches a certain level. In early controllers, this was accomplished with the use of a mechanical relay.

Eventually, pulse width modulation (PWM) became the standard for the charge controlling mechanism. This is a technique by which the amount of power transferred to a battery lowers gradually as the battery gets closer to maximum charge. PWM extends battery life even more, as it decreases stress on the battery. It’s also possible to use a PWM controller to keep batteries “floating,” or in a fully charged state, for as long as you like. PWM chargers are more complicated, but they tend to be more durable, as they don’t rely on any breakable mechanical connections.

The latest advancement in solar charge controllers is maximum power point tracking, or MPPT. The central advantage of MPPT controllers is their ability to convert extra voltage into amperage. This feature has a couple of major benefits.

The majority of solar power systems make use of 12 volt batteries, similar to the ones used in cars, but these benefits hold regardless of voltage. Most solar panels produce more voltage than is needed by the batteries. When the extra voltage is converted into amps, the charge voltage stays at an optimal level, while the time it takes to fully charge the batteries is reduced. This way, the solar power system as a whole maintains the highest possible level of efficiency.

An MPPT solar charge controller will also largely eliminate the amount of power loss that a solar power system experiences. As low-voltage electricity moves along wires, it can experience high levels of loss, reducing the efficiency of the system. The power used by a PWM controller in a system with 12v batteries is in most cases around 18v. With an MPPT controller, the voltage will be significantly higher. This means that MPPT controllers see less loss..

MPPT controllers cost a little more, but they represent a significant improvement. They’re highly recommended because of this.

Preventing reverse-current flow is another ability which certain modern charge controllers possess. Solar panels will stop generating electricity when the sun isn’t out, and the batteries can actually start sending electricity back to them at these times. This power loss can definitely be irritating. At these times, a charge controller will open the circuit, preventing any reverse-current flow back to the solar panels.

Even a project with DIY Solar Panels requires a solar charge controller. A great way to save money in a solar system is with Homemade Solar Panels.

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30 JulHow to Choose the Right Pressure Transmitter

A Pressure Transmitter is a device that measures the amount of pressure exerted by gas or liquid. The instrument is used to control pressure levels on the flow of gas or fluid, the speed as well as the level of these substances. Currently, there are different technologies used to perform such functions. The capacity of each transmitter varies and it can affect the cost depending on its performance and suitability of application. Thus it is important to consider different aspects when it comes to choosing the right tool to use.

Types of Pressure Calibrator

Before deciding on the kind of pressure transmitter to purchase, it is important to familiarize yourself first with the available options. The kinds of pressure transducer vary depending on its industrial use. The ACONE pressure flow meter, for example, uses the technology which makes it capable to handle different types of fluid. It is also made to operate even under the harshest environmental condition. Another type is the ALDP-3051 which utilizes microprocessor and digital technology which makes it useful when it comes to acquiring differential and absolute pressure. It also other features such as self-diagnosis and communication protocols. It also allows customization to make it compatible with different types of applications. The ALDPWG meter, on the other hand, is another type of differential pressure wedge meter which is aimed in measuring low flow of fluid. This device is usually utilized for measuring pressure among liquids with high-viscosity such as oil, dirty liquid, waste water and the likes. It can also be used to measure steam and gas, apart from liquid.

Choosing the Pressure Gauge

In addition to choosing the right pressure transmitters, it is also important that you put consideration on the kind of connection that you will be using. The traditional types include the flange and the cone. The connectors are also crucial since they will also determine the kind of pressure flow in the upstream and downstream of the element. Some pressure transducers can be customized on the kind of connection, depending on the application. But you have to be aware of the effects of the kind of connector that you will be using so you can maximize its usage.

Selecting your Device

It is important that you look for high-quality pressure transmitter. Search for ones that are calibrated to ensure accurate readings every time. Uncalibrated transmitters can also be considered useless, so don’t fall into the trap of purchasing it just because it is way cheaper than the ones that you see in authorized dealers. In addition, make sure that your transmitter complies with industrial standards. Obtain your equipment from a reliable seller so you know that you are getting genuine parts on your pressure flow measuring device.

Smart Measurement Inc. is the best provider of Pressure Transmitter that is capable of differential, gage, or absolute pressure measurement with digital communications and capacitive sensor technology. The ALPD-3051 pressure transmitter is available in a wide variety of features to make it suitable for almost any application.

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