Archive for May 17th, 2016

17 MaySafe and Simple to Use Diaper Pins

Diaper pins date as far back as the fourteenth century. Diapers in one form or another have always existed. There are several different methods of diapering a baby. From disposable diapers, to pre-fold cloth diapers, to using diaper pins, how does one decide which is the best choice for their baby?


Disposable diapers have become less popular than they once were. Many people now realize that this is not the most comfortable choice for their baby. It is also not a good choice for the environment. These disposable diapers contain both plastic, and chemicals which can harm the environment, and make babies uncomfortable.


Many parents, who choose pre-fold diapers, choose to also use diaper pins. This creates a situation, where it is less likely for a baby to slip out of the diaper, which can be quite messy, among others concerns.


Diaper pins were not always as safe as today’s safety pins. Once upon a time, a baby could accidentally open a diaper pin, even by moving in certain way. Older babies and toddlers were quickly able to learn how to open these diaper pins. The result was of course, a lot of unhappy, injured babies, and just as many disturbed parents. This is one of the reasons that many people happily chose disposable diapers. It is also one of the reasons that many parents were hesitant about going back to cloth diapers.


Diaper pins have come a long way since their beginning. Today’s diaper pins include safety locks, which prevent a child from being able to open them. Finally, a baby proof diaper pin…


Many a diaper pin these days are contoured to the shape of a baby’s body. This allows the pins to sit flush against the diaper, rather than sticking out on the sides. This will make the diaper pin less noticeable, especially to the baby. As a result, the baby will not be fascinated by the diaper pin, and begin explore ways of removing it.


Believe it or not, a diaper pin should have a sharp point on the tip. This will allow the pin to slide more easily through the fabric. No one should ever need to force a diaper pin in. Whenever you pin a baby’s diaper, your hand should be kept between the pin and the child’s skin. The adults hand should be beneath the diaper, where the pin will stick through. This way, if anyone is stuck by the pin, it is the adult, and not the child.


Using cloth diapers is a great way to keep your child healthy and happy. It is also an excellent way to start off from the beginning, in teaching your child about respecting the planet. When using cloth diapers, be sure to have diaper pins on hand, for added protection. Practice using these diaper pins, and you will soon see how easy they are.


If you want to make a soon to be new mother’s day, why not make your gift, cloth diapers and a few diaper pins. This is sure to be a hit, the cloth diaper has come back to stay.



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